How movie nights launched Adventure Life Films
Craig’s career started editing high-end weddings, vacation, and family videos for clients. Aside from his career in corporate and event videography, he loves putting his talents to work for his friends. He edited various events his friends captured on their phones and transformed their video clips into fun stories they could enjoy together. A few watch parties later, those friends turned to Craig and told him that he should turn other people’s personal footage into movies too. Anyone can have a personal feature made from their own footage and host a “movie night” with the right editor.
After an inspiring night of sharing an hour-long feature of his trip to the Balkan nations with friends, Craig saw the opportunity to organize people’s memories. He wanted to help spread the word about amazing places in the world and opportunities for everyone to seize in their own lives. Adventure Life Films doesn’t just throw video footage together and slap music on there. We make your video exciting to watch.
Craig loves the outdoors and playing any sport he can get his hands or feet on. He has coached swimming, track, and soccer for schools in Pennsylvania and Tennessee. He takes piano lessons, loves board games, and has adventured to Australia, Bermuda, Bosnia, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, New Zealand, Russia, Serbia, Alaska, Hawaii and 40 of the lower 48 states.
He has authored a book, emceed banquets, and narrated 15 audiobooks. Craig is game for anything you throw at him, as long as it’s not the Leadville 100 race. He won’t do that.